Nico and his methodology
Born and raised in the unforgiving concrete jungle of London, I was thrust into a world of extremes - where the bright lights and endless possibilities masked a darker reality. I wrestled with addiction, succumbing to the allure of sex, drugs, and alcohol, which ravaged my body and mind. My existence was a never-ending cycle of self-destruction, punctuated by injuries, illnesses, and mental health crises that left me shattered.
The healthcare system, meant to be my salvation, only offered a Band-Aid solution - pills and potions that numbed the pain but never addressed the root cause. My digestive system was in shambles, my alcohol abuse was rampant, and my partying lifestyle was a reckless disregard for my own wellbeing.
But it wasn't until I hit rock bottom - a dark night of the soul in Berlin, fueled by drugs and culminating in a devastating ACL and meniscus tear - that I realized I had to confront the depths of my own darkness. The excruciating physical pain was matched only by the emotional agony of facing my own mortality.
In that moment, I knew I had to choose: succumb to the abyss or rise from the ashes. And so, I began my journey of transformation - a journey that would take me to the very limits of human endurance and back again. My healing journey began with yoga, which cracked open the door to confronting my inner demons. As I sat in stillness, I transformed the pain and trauma that had long been buried within. This awakening unfolded on the coast of Ecuador, where the rugged beauty of nature mirrored the turmoil and transformation occurring within me.
As I delved deeper into my journey, I discovered a path that wound through various disciplines: Tai Chi, Holistic Health, and Yoga. Each step revealed new facets of myself and the world around me. I immersed myself in transformative experiences - Holotropic breathing and shamanic realms - that reshaped my very being.
The culmination of this journey was my Vision Quest, a solo odyssey into the mountains, where I fasted and sought the vision for my life. This sacred ritual, known as Camino Rojo, marked a turning point in my journey, illuminating the path ahead and imbuing me with a sense of purpose and direction. The ultimate culmination of my journey was becoming a father, navigating the challenges of parenthood, and embracing my roles as partner and husband. Yet, my quest for growth and self-discovery remains ongoing. I continue to confront my inner darkness, dismantling and transforming the programs that once held me back.
As a perpetual student of life, I've dedicated myself to empowering others to achieve holistic wellness, particularly where the system has fallen short. Through personalized coaching and guidance, I help individuals harmonize their physical, mental, and spiritual health, unlocking their full potential.
My mission is to support others in their own transformative journeys, sharing the wisdom and insights gained from my experiences. Together, we can break free from limitations and embrace a life of balance, vitality, and purpose.